Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I've come to my census...

I'm sure there are people out there that trust government officials more than I do. They probably answered all the questions on their census form before they sent it back in. And that's okay if that's what they want to do. I opted just to tell them how many people are living in our home.

That's really all they need to know. Constitutionally.

If you read the census, you probably noticed that they promised to keep your information confidential. That's the same promise they made before they used the information gathered by the census before World War I to track down people who hadn't registered for the draft.

And it's the same promise they made before they used information gathered by the census before World War II to round up Japanese-Americans for our concentration camps.

And while I'm not Japanese, and while I'm probably a little past prime if they decide to re-institute the draft, and even though they probably already know the answers to all the questions I left blank, I'd just as soon not make it any easier for them.

With them being liars and all.



Anonymous Anonymous said...



10:48 PM  

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